PET Packaging Network

3D design & new product development.

Aiming to provide a better service, PET Packaging Network through a partnership with Criativex (Brazil) can now offer complete 3D design services for new product development (NPD) or changes in the corporate image. This way, we can provide support for the development of new containers and labels, using both bidimensional (2D) and tridimensional (3D) representations, and going from the initial briefing to the final launch of the product to the market.

The design process is the following. Firstly, the initial briefing ensures that the necessary information regarding product, containers, market objectives, existing technology and machinery at disposition, target audience, and corporate image is well known by everyone involved. Once that has been established, a market analysis is carried out to better understand each of the above points and how the consumer might respond to a bottle design or another. Furthermore, Benchmarking tools allows to transfer knowledge from the best practices taking place in the industry to the project development.

The project then advances to the stage where diverse alternatives are designed. At this point the project is well defined, a course of action and design strategy are developed, and decisions are taken regarding materials (PET, PE, PP, HDPE), style, and the specifications. It also comprehends label’s design and the search for equilibrium between ergonomics and image.

Mock-ups and prototype containers are developed according to plan, be it through 3D prints as to analyse volume or through mock-ups made out of diverse materials depending on the appearance that needs to be achieved (glass, PET, PE, etc). Labels and caps can be applied for simulation purposes. Following, the pilot mold is created and samples are stretch-blown/injected. These samples are exposed to thorough testing in order to evaluate many variables, such as risk, top load, side load and vacuum. Testing not only takes place within the lab, but in line, transport and storage conditions.

Later, the information thus gathered is used for adjustments and corrections to guarantee that the final container can move ahead to mass production. The registration of trademarks and patents (INPI – Brazil) provides juridic protection & formally registrates the product for its market launch.

Walter Peixoto, Project Manager for Brazil at PET Packaging Network, leads and forms part of the design team at Criativex, and it is in his behalf, that we put at disposition this proposal to all of our customers globally regardless their location.
