PET Packaging Network

Year end: 2014

Around this time of the year is when it is customary to alternate both the previous year’s end and every task involved in this years’ planification. This is why we wish to make a short summary of everything  that PET Packaging Network has accomplished during this 2014 and thank everyone who made it possible.

This 2014 has been the year in which we have welcomed new partners to our team, making it possible to offer a better service to our clients as well as regional support within the area. However, we keep on evaluating the possibility of involving other proffesional from the plastic industry along this year.

Furthermore, the range of products has continued to grow, being now in a position to offer solutions for aseptic filling (Xenos), cooling systems (Equifab), auxiliaries for injection, extrusion and blowmolding (Blue Air Systems) & energy-saving systems (technoplan). In addition to the above mentioned, we worked in sustainability projects such as providing pallet injection systems, and PET recycling lines among others.

This last year, we have also seen through many projects for machinery in Latin America, and the expectations for this year 2015 are more than favorable.

And finally, the corporatve image has been updated and improved through new logos and media. The blog has been launched, and the website redesigned to adapt to the new web design standards (HTML5). It is planned to further improve the website throughout the first quarter of the year in order to make it adaptable to various devices such as laptops, tablets and mobile phones.