PET Packaging Network

Sustainability & efficiency

Sustainability is the equilibrium of a species with the resources in its environment, the capacity of the current generation to satisfy its needs without sacrificing the capacity of future generations to satisfy its own needs.

From our commitment with the environment and future generations, in PET Packaging Network we choose the suppliers we present to our customers with a criterion of efficiency and sustainability, aiming to minimize energy and natural resources consumption.

For production efficiency to achieve its maximum impact, it has to be accessible to everyone. For this reason we provide equipment which are environmentally-friendly, but also affordable.

We offer solutions to improve blowing efficiency (oven’s energy consumption reduction & blow air recovery), thus reducing energy consumption without changing the machinery in use. Regarding new equipment, we offer Injection-Blowing systems, which have a reduced electricity consumption and use of resources (packaging and shipment of preforms). Lastly, we provide equipment for PET recycling plants, among other solutions.